Joy of Erotic Amorous Continence
At Joy Temple we have lovingly created the setting where so many have had the chance to experience the mysteries of discovering the pure erotic energies which instead of chaining the being into animalistic instincts, actually elevate and refine our perspectives, our entire being and our way of enjoying life.
Joy of Erotic Amorous Continence
One full day workshop. Early bird: 27.10-11.11; Early Bird prices: £200/single; £250/couple.
£250 /single
£300 /couple
1 day/ 12-3pm; 6-9pm
While the sexual energy generates suffering, addictions and attachments, the pure erotic energy we engage on the Tantric path helps take control over our instincts, and eliminate possessiveness, selfishness, and all the darkness and suffering of raw sexuality.
Although we’re living some dark times at the moment, there is also a noticeable ascending trend of more and more people awakening to a higher consciousness, to higher ideals and aspirations.
The revolutionary discovery of the pure erotic energies is also one such ascending trend becoming stronger and stronger at this time. It is a formidable discovery which more and more people seem to be able to open up to.
This extraordinary realisation of the existence of the pure erotic subtle energies grants the human being an elevated perspective that allows them to harmoniously integrate the erotic energies in their lives in a manner that rapidly transforms and improves their lives on multiple levels.
Just as in the case of the increased awareness upon the toxic effects of white sugar, also more and more people seem to be able to very easily open up to perceive distinctively the energies of pure eros, to see their superior quality and choose to plenary embrace and manifest these in their own personal lives.
As we are going into cosy Winter times, where we may share intimate romantic moments by the fireplace, we have prepared for you this one day tantric immersion into the Joy and Intimacy Erotic Amorous Continence can bring into your couple relationship.
Over this full day tantric workshop you are invited to let go of the old perspectives, and immerse yourself into esoteric tantric knowledge and practical methods that will help you experience the pure erotic energies in your own being, and learn how to efficiently use your creative erotic potential for an accelerated spiritual growth that has the power to revolutionise your entire life.
We will openly and honestly address novel topics, from the Tantric perspective, such as:
- The true role of pure erotic energy,
- How the pure erotic energy can help you have a successful life,
- How to improve communication within your couple,
- The art of living freely and happily,
- The Power of Transfiguration
- Polarity and attraction within couple relationships - how to keep the spark alive through the years
There will also be plenty of practical exercises that we will do together, both in pairs and as a polar group, of men and women.
Among these, we mention:
- Practical methods to help in controlling your creative erotic potential - distinct for men and women
- Joyful and uplifting pair exercises
- Group activities to increase the polarity between the feminine and the masculine
- Special methods of connecting to some exemplary states that can help us immensely in mastering the creative erotic potential
- Direct experiences of communion with Shiva, as the masculine ideal archetype, and with the Supreme Shakti, as the famine ideal archetype.
And many other spiritual surprises are waiting for the brave ones who will be joining us for this Tantra immersion Day.
To register, please send us an email through the contact form here.
Registrations start today, October 27, 2023, and we have an Early bird period until November 11, 2023.
- Saturday, November 25 : 12.00 - 16.00 ; 18.00 - 21.00.
*Please note due to space, places are limited, so make sure to book your place in early.